“You can’t control the past, but you can control where you go next.” — Kirsten Hubbard
#1 Fan of Oscar Wilde?

Who: Oscar Wilde, one of London’s most popular playwrights in the early 1890s.
Where: Reading Goal in England.
What: Wilde spent two years in prison in the 19th century, for “gross indecency” with another man. Kept in solitary confinement, the experience was so traumatising both physically and mentally that Wilde passed away four years after his release, at the young age of 46. Over a century later, the prison will host a dedicated exhibition to celebrate the icon’s life and work. The exhibition runs until the end of October and features paintings, sculptures and photographs that give visitors insight on what Wilde’s imprisonment would have felt like. The main highlight is a reading of Wilde’s 55,000-word letter to his lover, performed by Patti Smith and Ralph Fiennes.
#2 Watch This: The Honest Airline ‘Commercial’
Who: YouTuber Ryan Higa from Hawaii.
Where: On his channel with over 18 million subscribers.
What: In this hilarious parody that’s gotten more than four million views already, Higa’s video features the different types of passengers on a flight, plus some aspects of flying we know all too well, like hidden charges and mishandling of luggage. We don’t want to give away any spoilers (or ruffle any feathers), but if you’ve always wanted to get an upgrade on your flight and zoom straight to the comfy first class recliners, here’s a guide on how to do just that for free.
#3 The Second Person Ever to Scale This Crazy Rock

Who: Iaian Miller, the first person to climb the rock in 25 years.
Where: The 48 meter-tall Dún Briste off the coast of north-west Ireland.
What: Third times the charm! 46-year old Miller from Donegal, Ireland, who after two failed attempts successfully scaled to the top of this insane verticle column of rock. According to Irish legend, Dún Briste was part of the land until the 14th century when St Patrick struck the land with his crozier and it cracked off and drifted away. But more people believe the divide was the result of coastal erosion. Embarking on the adventure with his wife, Miller says the real celebration only hit once they were back at sea level. “It’s like a bomb going off in your head,” he describes.
#4 Fear of Flying? There’s an App for That

Who: Nervous Nellies.
Where: The app is available for download on App Store.
What: A pilot named Alex Gervash created SkyGuru, an app to help ease passengers’ fear of flying. It’s meant to guide travellers through flights by explaining the events of their flight, along with aviation data. With 22 years of experience, Gervash explains SkyGuru’s appeal: “What is necessary (in that case) is just a lot of support, a lot of knowledge, and a lot of assurance that everything is good, and everything is as expected.”
#5 Chasing Waterfalls in Phuket?

Who: Families or groups seeking contemporary luxury in a secluded location.
Where: One Waterfall Bay in Kamala.
What: Situated on a hillside estate in one of Phuket’s most prestigious coastal addresses, this multi-floored villa is set around a wide pool terrace for sun-drenched frolicking by day and stargazing at night. Ideal for entertaining, the villa boasts a swimming pool with Jacuzzi, a futuristic cinema room, professional kitchen, elegant indoor and outdoor dining, a spa room and a choice of cosy gathering places including a living room, study and rooftop terrace.