Wouldn’t it be lovely to see the moon at the other side of the world? With all the commitment lying around – work, bills, family – you’d think it was impossible to escape if only for a weekend. But you should because travel is the number one mood booster according to a new study (if you ever had any doubt). And with that, here is a roundup of reasons to feel happier right now.
Read also: The Different Types of Travellers You’ll Meet
#1 You’re Living the Dream

Ah, yes. Sipping a piña colada by the beach, getting a relaxing Thai massage, taking a romantic stroll (by yourself or otherwise) — how does that sound? Wonderful right? Reality check – sounds like your boss is trying to snap you out of that daydream in a serious investors’ meeting. How you wish you were there. When it’s time for a getaway, you know it’s time.
#2 Travelling Opens Your Eyes

#3 It’s Adventure Time!

Don’t be such a moody Joe, come over to the dark fun side and you might never want to leave. Step out of your comfort zone and do something that never in a million years you thought you would do. From bungee jumps to eating scorpions, the possibilities are endless. Everyone needs a bucket list – maybe you’ll get inspired by ours.
#4 Stranger Danger No More

Travelling means you get to meet new people along the way. Having new friends – whether local or wanderlusts like you – means you’re making connections. So stop swiping your phone, chin up and say hello to your new travel buddy.
#5 It’s Character Building

#6 The Culture Shock

#7 And, Talk the Talk

While English is an international language, it’s hard when you only have ten fingers to negotiate that bedazzling ornament of a souvenir. Learning another language might feel a little daunting, but it’s a plus point to update your resume. Better yet, set up English lessons if you have longer staycations to break the barrier.
#8 You’re More Independent

#9 All the Thyme in the World

Rejoice food lovers, wouldn’t it be great if you could expand your taste palette? All those yummy delicacies around the world are just dying to get to know your tummy. Enough with that sushi parlour that claims to be fresh, head out to Japan to have that authentic smack of salmon sashimi and unagi. Now that’s a reason to globetrot.
#10 Something Cool to Tell the Kids

We all want great stories to pass down to our children. It makes your heart swell when their eyes light up in awe as you recall how you swam with the dolphins in Maldives, climbed the Everest Mountains, or found the love of your life – who’s now sitting right beside you. Adorable.