Five things going on this week in travel that make perfect conversation topics, for your reading pleasure!
#1 Good Things Come in Bite-Sized Bottles

Who: Travellers who want the good stuff for their skin, but don’t know what’s really good and what isn’t.
Where: Le Traveleur, the newest startup company in beauty and travel.
What: The Weekender Travel Kit answers a list of beauty woes in one TSA approved clear travel bag. No need to star in a 5-star hotel just to get your hands on the best toiletries, no forgetting to pack anything, and having the perfectly-sized bottles of great skincare you may have never heard of. The kit stocks the essentials, with cute editions like Mai Couture’s Blush Papier and Soap and Paper Factory’s Perfume Vial.
#2 The Only Map of New York You’ll Ever Need
Who: A New Yorker for tourists who think they’ve seen all NY has to offer.
Where: The Iconic New York map, which neatly crams more than 400 local landmarks into one poster, including the Naked Cowboy and his guitar in Times Square.
What: For years, maps of the city showed tourists the generic side of New York that everyone gets to see, but ask a local and they’d point out things that really embody New York yet you’d never find them on a map. It took more than two and a half years to research, design and complete the map. “Everybody loves New York,” says Esquer. “I wanted a beautiful souvenir that says, New York loves you back.” Get one from Alfafa New York at USD 39 or USD 55 for a signed copy.
#3 Pilot Turns Plane Around, Saves Pooch

Who: An Air Canada Pilot and a seven-year old French bulldog named Simba.
Where: On a Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
What: Midway through the flight, the pilot learned that the cargo’s heating system had failed. He quickly decided to divert the packed flight and made an emergency landing at the Frankfurt International Airport in Germany. Though his decision cost the airline approximately USD 10,000, thinking fast on his feet saved Simba’s life, who wouldn’t have survived the sub-zero temperatures at 38,000 feet.
#4 Orange is the New Bed & Breakfast

Who: According to the B&B’s owners, most guests are couples and groups of friends.
Where: The Old Vermilion Jailhouse Bed and Breakfast in Ohio, an actual jailhouse built in 1910.
What: For USD 289 a night, four guests can spend the night in their own cell each. One lucky “inmate” can call dibs on the main bedroom, formerly the booking room. And if orange is your colour, you might even fancy a romantic evening at the riverfront restaurant Chez Francois nearby. Lock yourself back in because ahem, there are plastic handcuffs placed in your closet.
#5 New on The Luxe Nomad…

Who: Anyone looking for a great little place in Spain for a holiday.
Where: Hotel Urso in Madrid, Spain.
What: Designed within the walls of a 20th century palace, the hotel preserves the neo-classical vibe of yesteryear while infusing newer interiors that offer comfort and flair. Two things you shouldn’t miss out on: a Hammam steam bath at the Natura Bisse Spa and tapas at The Table restaurant. And hey, why not have a few glasses or Spanish wine at the Urso Bar?