True or False: Drinking On a Flight Gets You Drunk Faster

For some, drinking on a flight takes the edge of any fear of flying. But for many others, luxury in the sky doesn’t get much better than a free flow of alcohol. Especially when you’ve forked out that much for a first-class seat, and you’re right by the bar (not a coincidence). But is true that drinking in high altitude makes you get drunk quicker? Experts say no.

The myth claimed that due to the decreased levels of oxygen 30,000 feet in the air, your blood alcohol level increases too. What might be true here is that the less oxygenated conditions on board in a low pressure space may make you feel intoxicated.

But, it’s no myth that passengers do tend to drink larger amounts of alcohol in shorter flights, and that’s a problem. So when is it one drink too many? And what does “level 3” mean in cabin crew lingo? Watch this clip of a Virgin Atlantic flight attendant revealing the  level of intoxication a passenger must reach before being physically restrained by the flight crew. Yes, they’ve gone for restraint training and they’re not afraid to show it.

Cheers to the finer things in life.

Photo credit: Main.

Diandra Soliano

Our resident Wander Woman with a passion for languages, big cities and bronzer. When she's not listening to The Smiths a little too loudly at the office (after hours!), she can be found singing along to the soundtrack of Les Miserables with her two cats for an audience.

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