Or call this a light-hearted interpretation of scenes from the three installments of The Hunger Games. Either way, you should heed our advice.
#1 Don’t get stuck watching hotel tv

Most mistakes people make are that they fall back into their home habits of being a couch potato and make the excuse that they’re on holiday. You could do that and more in the sun!
#2 Always bring an extra outfit

This rule also applies to extra disposable underwear.
#3 Never tell the henna artist to “do what you want”

This also applies to hairdressers abroad; you never know what their standards and styles are like.
#4 Pay for the better seat on the plane

Especially if you’re flying long haul, those extra bucks to get you to the front of economy for extra leg room will pay it back before you reach the first hour.
#5 Don’t go to a foreign language karaoke

Unless you’re going with friends, in which case, all of you can sacrifice yourselves and try not to piss off the locals.
#6 Always shave your armpits

It’s not a huge deal when you’re visiting a cold country, but in the tropics, you’re definitely going to need to expose some skin.
#7 Always bring a reliable selfie stick

Your arms are never too long. You always need a selfie stick! Always. And get a steady one too, it’s your smartphone that might drop.