When it comes to travel-bragging, it’s the absolute worst because we can dish it, but we sure as heck can’t take it. Here are 7 updates that while we can’t resist posting, we wish people would stop doing.
#1 The business class ticket picture

When we are posting it: I’m not only going on holiday, I’m flying Business Class. Yipppeeeeeee!
When other people post: Way to show you’re better than us! We could stand outside the Business/First Class Lounge and tag our location there too 😛
#2 Window out of the plane picture

When we are posting it: Yippee! I got the window seat and it’s magical… Oh look! Cloud shapes!
When other people post: Quit spamming my feed with bad pictures of half-baked sunrises and murky clouds, jeez. Also, it’s too early in the morning to be happy for someone else’s holiday, especially when we have to go to work!
#3 Feet pictures

When we are posting it: Waiting frozen with iced drink in hand dripping down to get the perfect, people-less shot. Also, because I have no makeup on, look at my feet instead. People need to know I’m enjoying myself!!
When other people post: God, you need a pedicure. That and, we hate you for being at the beach instead of us.
#4 Communal feet pictures

When we are posting it: We’re all in this together…!! We are having so much fun!! So we need to take momento shot of all of our feet since strangers take bad photos of our faces.
When other people post: Wow, you guys must’ve looked stupid trying to take this photo.
BONUS: Multiple communal feet shots
When we are posting it: Everyone take a pic and post it on your FB y’all!! We’re one big happy family! <3<3
When other people post: Unidentified feet photos everywhere. Oh well, time to cull my friends list.
#5 Selfie in front of monument picture

When we are posting it: I. need. to. document. this. I don’t care how many tries it takes me.
When other people post: What’s the big deal? You could Photoshop yourself into it in 5 seconds.
#6 The travel album

When we are posting it: People will be so psyched to see what we got up to!!
When other people post: Not a care was given that day. Don’t call us, we’ll call you. Unless we’re Facebook stalkers/jealous exes out to getcha.
BONUS: The travel album that tags people who aren’t there
When we are posting it: OMG. Everyone in my life needs to know about this place. They would love it!
When other people post: Hey there, do you have any more of that salt to rub into my wound?
#7 The food picture

When we are posting it: This is a work of art on a dish. I must document this for later. Too pretty not to share… right?
When other people post: If we see this before we’ve had lunch, your name is going down in our death list.
….did you just write about me? :0 (sans first class tickets)
We are all travel-braggers at heart, Jarrel. 😛
I am guilty of #6! I still like to do it though….But the other ones I barely do.