As the saying goes, ‘birds of a feather flock together’. That is especially true for hipsters and their ‘hoods. The more vintage and grunged-up, the better. Here ye be a list of great hipster finds ’round the world… so you can say you knew it before it was cool.
#1 Williamsburg – Brooklyn

Warehouse-turned-loft, hipsterhood Williamsburg bears the repertoire of alternative street art and murals in the ghetto. This is the side of town where the original hipsters hail from, and they call it home. (read: we were here before anyone!)
#2 Fitzroy – Melbourne

It’s safe to say, Fitzroy is Australia’s de facto hipster headquarters. Ultra charming and overflowing with artsy vibe, you’ll find ‘em cool cats hanging out at this side of town.
#3 Pearl District – Portland

Pearl District merits significant street cred and also holds the title as Portland’s trendsetter. The creative minds gather at this enclave of hipsterdom to enjoy delicious “microbrews” (small, but artisan amount of beer) and the “alternative” music scene. You don’t qualify if you don’t have a moustache here.
#4 Dalston – London

The Guardian named this town the coolest place in Britain. A destination for those set apart, Dalston is where you can walk around in pants with your socks showing in bed-head hair and have no one judge you.
#5 Södermalm – Stockholm

Södermalm is dedicated to all things art, fashion, architecture and design. Stockholm’s hipster central is where the young spirit reigns. So, immerse yourself in the true indie culture at this alternative district that exudes flagrant quirkiness and retro charms. As the rule goes, the more backward you are, the hipster-er.
#6 Marais – Paris

Paris, Marais has become a thriving bohemia filled with art galleries, design shops and quirky cafes. This is the perfect place to experience authenticity whilst hangout with the Parisian hipsters, though they won’t acknowledge you because they are cool like that.
Where are your favourite hipster digs, nomads?
Main photo credit: 1.